
Lindsay + Frankie’s Wedding at Giorgio’s

Event Location Giorgio's

Event Entertainment Barattini Productions

Event Photographer Kaitlyn Ferris

Once every so often, we here at Bilski Productions have the unparalleled pleasure of filming the wedding days of people we have known for much of our lives. Frankie and Lindsay’s Giorgio’s Catering affair was the event of the year for many reasons, but chief among them for us is the fact that Frankie is a dear friend and a huge part of the Barattini Productions family, which makes him (and now Lindsay!) our family, too.

Frankie and Lindsay’s wedding day began with beautiful breezy June weather — the type of day most brides and grooms literally dream of, with plenty of rosé for the ladies and Tito’s for the men. The air in the church was electric as Lindsay walked down the aisle, with Frankie catching his breath at the first sight of her in her gorgeous gown. Even *we* were almost brought to tears by the sheer romance of it all!

But the thing that came closest to matching the enormity and depth of their love for one another was the reception that was to follow the formalities. Barattini Productions put on the wildest party we have ever seen, and Giorgio’s Catering provided the most incredible hospitality to a room that was practically overflowing with Frankie and Lindsay’s family and friends!

Frankie and Lindsay, we are thrilled for you beyond words, and look forward to seeing your love and family continue to grow through the years!

Planner, First Look, Flowers, etc... |