
Gladys and Jose’s Wedding at Cresthollow

Videography Lead: John Bilski Associate: Brian BrennanJess O'Sullivan

Event Location N/A

Event Entertainment N/A

Event Photographer N/A

Gladys + Jose share a connection that truly cannot be described. The love that exists between them is so beautiful, and every moment they shared with us was exploding with the heartfelt emotion that we love so much. It was so clear from the very first second we showed up with our cameras that an incredible day was about to unfold – one that would cement Gladys + Jose’s roles in each others lives, and families, forever.
If you ask anyone in the Bilski Productions office how they feel about this film, we’ll all collectively say the same thing – Gladys + Jose are the perfect representation of what we love about weddings. The way Jose looked at Gladys during their first look, how heartfelt and special their families words were during their toasts, and how much magic lingered in the air between these two – these are all things that we, as wedding videographers, can’t live without.

Gladys + Jose – thank you so much for showing us what true love looks like. We hope you absolutely love this film, because you’ve given us a special gift of being part of your history together. Congratulations, you two – we’ll be over here wiping the tears from our eyes, remembering how perfect every second was!